Electric Ink

2016 and Beyond (plus love for Empty Nests)

Dec 30, 2015 | writing

2015 has been a big year for me on a career level. I got my first two novels properly published and in the process ridded myself of the Unfinished Project of the Damned that has been sitting on my hard drive since 2010. Many people said some very nice things about it (some people didn’t but screw them) and generally gave me hope. But the thing about writing a book people like is you are then expected to write another, and then another.

That brings us to 2016. It is highly unlikely you’re going to get a full length novel out of me in 2016. If you do it’ll be very late 2016. The sale to publish process for Empty Nests and Bowerbirds took about nine months each. My current work is progress only has 20k written. To finish, get a couple of beta reads, and rewrite will probably take me into May, possibly even June. It’s being written for Entangled since I pitched it to one of their main editors but the further I get into it the more I’m thinking they aren’t going to want it. I’ll submit to them anyway because I said I would then it’ll probably get a rewrite and go to another publisher. All that means it won’t be up for public consumption until 2017. Sorry.

On the plus side you’ll probably be getting two novels out of me in 2017. Once the current one is out I’m going to jump right into my spy interoffice romance story. It’s been bouncing around my head for a while and should get written down nice and quick. After that I have the BDSM epic ‘I don’t know what the hell it is’ project that is 60k in and nowhere near being done. (Can we say slooooooooooooooow build romance?)

And I promise that if I have a solid idea for a sequel to Bowerbirds I will drop everything else and jump on that.

You won’t be completely without my wring in 2016. In February I’ll be part of the Simmer Anthology from Dreamspinner press. It’ll be a romance anthology/recipe book. I’m going to try for a couple other of their anthologies as well. I’m also scribbling out longhand a shifter novella. Nothing resembling an ETA on that but it’s coming along. Plus there’s always this blog. You never know what’s going to pop up here.

And now for the Empty Nests love.

The nominations for the Goodreads M/M Romance Group Member’s Choice Awards have closed. Empty Nests has been nominated for Best Secondary Character – Dylan (so happy about this), Best White Collar, Best Contemporary/Mainstream, Best Virgins, Best Family Drama, and Best Book of the Year. Yep, someone out there thought Empty Nests is worth Book of the Year. I don’t know who but they have my eternal love.7-N 9-N 45-N 37-N 38-N 14-N






And with that I say goodnight and happy New Years to everyone on the gregorian calendar. May your year be happy, productive, safe, and full of good books.