My Mother and the Thing That’s Happening Now

The last story I told you of my mother was about a year and a half ago.  She had finished her attempt at hiking the Pacific Crest Trail and had been called up to do search and retrieval after a particularly vicious set of wild fires. As I’d mentioned before, at...

Bowerbirds Re-Release

In all the madness of the world I forgot to mention that Bowerbirds has been re-released. It has an extra epilogue of about a thousand words.  If you bought the first edition send me a copy of the receipt and I’ll send you an updated copy.  It’s been a strange project...

My Mother and the California Fire Season

When I was telling the story of my mother and the Pacific Crest Trail, I mentioned that one of the things she did upon becoming a grandmother was to join the County Volunteer Search and Rescue team. Some might have found this odd but after 13 years as a Camp Fire Girl...