Electric Ink Blog

Tactical Submission Cover Reveal! NSFW(ish)

SWAT commander Jack Burnside is haunted by his craving to kneel before another man. Of all the things he hates about himself – his overtly masculine size and strength, his blue eyes, his insecurities – it is the need to submit that he fears will destroy him. Doctor...

If It’s Not One Thing

Last week I went to the optometrist because the UV coating on my glasses was peeling off. This was annoying, to say the least. It made the lenses blurry and it’s coming into summer and any and all UV protection is very important in New Zealand. I have terrible vision...

All My Couples Live Happily Ever After. All of Them!

Don’t read your reviews is what every author tells every other author. Guess what every author does? We read our reviews. Don’t respond to your reviews, is the other thing authors tell each other. This one is hard but necessary. Apparently even saying ‘thank you’ to...

Situationally White and Occasionally Other

I have written in my bio that I’m a Mexican American/WASP which is a lazy description of my background but it’s three words where I don’t have space for fifty. The Mexican is the important word for this story. I grew up with a Spanish last name and a tan in...

Pack Up Your Troubles by A. M. Soto

There are authors out there who are brimming with so many ideas they are able to write every single one of their books in the exact same genre. I actually heard one author of my acquaintance say ‘I’ve got a great idea but it’s not in my genre’. I’m not one of those...

Free Read – Life Saving Dal

Update: Now on Amazon. I have a new free short story available on Instafreebie. It's romantic, sexy, MM, and did I mention Free? Life Saving Dal Nathan has been divorced for a year and is hoping for a grand romantic gesture to change his life. Kris isn't what he's...

His Quiet Agent: Actual, Official, Kindle Release

Somewhere in the latter half of 2011, while standing in the shower I had a flash of an image. These happen on occasion, I usually get the start of stories out of them. In this freeze frame image a man in a suit sat on the edge of a hospital bed, looking away from the...

Cover Reveal for His Quiet Agent!

Created by the amazing Tiferet Design. Arthur Drams works for a secret government security agency, but all he really does is spend his days in a cubical writing reports no one reads. After getting another “lateral promotion” by a supervisor who barely remembers his...

Same Gender Romantic Heroines

Originally written by request for Heart to Heart, Romance Writers of New Zealand, April 2017, ISSN:1178-3929, Heroines Special Edition. I was once asked how I write same-gender romances. It was the Sunday of conference, I was tired and more than a little hungover so I...

Audiobooks Aren’t Cheating

This morning I went to see my chiropractor. He’s a generally nice guy, we’ve got kids about the same age. He knows what I do and asks me if it’s going to be a slouching over my desk day, or chasing after a large, strong, active, three-year-old day. Basically, how am I...

Meta Monday: The Tragic Story of Dug the Dog

If you have never seen the movie UP go watch it now. Are you done crying? Here's my question, where did Dug the dog come from? This is my best guess. Dug is a Golden Retriever. As far as I can tell the rest of the dogs in Muntz' pack are Rottweilers, Bulldogs, and...

The All Romance Ebooks Meltdown for The Readers

If you read romance novels with any regularity you’re probably aware of the shutdown of All Romance Ebooks. If you’re not here’s a quick summary. One of the largest retailers of romance ebooks outside of Amazon went dark on December 31 giving only three days notice....

The Sacred Recipes

Food is sacred. Food is culture, religion, tradition, civilization. Few rituals don’t involve food in some definition. It might be as simple as a pinch of saffron or a sip of wine. It might be grand meals of celebration. It might be the self-denial of food making the...