The Sacred Recipes

Food is sacred. Food is culture, religion, tradition, civilization. Few rituals don’t involve food in some definition. It might be as simple as a pinch of saffron or a sip of wine. It might be grand meals of celebration. It might be the self-denial of food making the...

The Universality of Choosing an Avocado

The world sucks right now. It really does. If we get to the end of 2017 without WWIII breaking out, the US breaking up, and Australia burning down coast to coast I’ll be very surprised. Lots of people suck right now to. Even people I usually respect and look up...
What Do You Mean You’ve Never Baked A Cookie?

What Do You Mean You’ve Never Baked A Cookie?

Not too long ago I was talking with a friend about nothing in particular and over the course of the conversation I discovered that they had never baked a cookie. Never. Not once. Not even the stuff that comes in a tube and you squeeze onto a sheet. Not with a parent,...

In which I win none of the things (Okay, one)

The A&P show has come and gone. I have not had the most productive or focused 2016 to date as a result I only entered a fraction of what I did last year and I think the judges could tell I was sort of half-assing it. I only got one first on show day and that was...

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