Pack Up Your Troubles by A. M. Soto

There are authors out there who are brimming with so many ideas they are able to write every single one of their books in the exact same genre. I actually heard one author of my acquaintance say ‘I’ve got a great idea but it’s not in my genre’. I’m not one of those...
In Defense of Plaid Pants and Faded T-shirts

In Defense of Plaid Pants and Faded T-shirts

Notice, this will contain spoilers for the last few seasons of Doctor Who, though if you haven’t been watching Doctor Who you probably don’t care about this in the slightest. In the past couple of weeks I’ve gotten the impression that I am possibly one of the only...

MM and the Midsized Fandom

Let’s start with stating that this is all my personal opinion. M’kay? I recently attended my first writing conference. It was put on by the Romance Writers of New Zealand and it was absolutely lovely. Everyone was nice and supportive and there were lots of...

My Mother, Myself, My Daughter, and Spock

I was woken up at seven this morning by a text from my mother informing me that Leonard Nimoy had died and that she was crying in her office. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve seen my mother cry and I don’t have to use all my fingers. Star...

Fandom, Friendship, and The Next Generation

(I know this is meant to be a blog about writing but if you follow my twitter, @adamariasoto, you’ll know the reason for the extended brain fade. This is the first attempt at putting fingers to keyboard in months and will probably be a little rambley and disjointed.)...

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