My Mother and the Thing That’s Happening Now

The last story I told you of my mother was about a year and a half ago.  She had finished her attempt at hiking the Pacific Crest Trail and had been called up to do search and retrieval after a particularly vicious set of wild fires. As I’d mentioned before, at...

My Mother and the California Fire Season

When I was telling the story of my mother and the Pacific Crest Trail, I mentioned that one of the things she did upon becoming a grandmother was to join the County Volunteer Search and Rescue team. Some might have found this odd but after 13 years as a Camp Fire Girl...

Merlin in the Library – RELEASE DAY

When I finished His Quiet Agent I didn’t think anyone would read it let alone demand more. Here’s more. Four thousand words from Martin’s POV available at Amazon and just about Everywhere Else.   Agent Martin Grove is in pain every minute of the...

Mom vs. the PCT: UPDATE

Since some people have been asking here is an update on my mother’s attempt to hike the Pacific Crest Trail. After a couple of weeks resting up from a twisted rib and taking a practice hike through the East Bay Hills she got a lift back up to the trail. Not at the...

My Mother vs the Pacific Crest Trail

I’ve talked about my mother a few times on this blog. She’s an interesting person. She has the personality of someone who should be in the history books like Sally Ride or Amelia Earhart, but that personality has been stuck in the life of a Silicon Valley tech writer...

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