Bowerbirds Re-Release

In all the madness of the world I forgot to mention that Bowerbirds has been re-released. It has an extra epilogue of about a thousand words.  If you bought the first edition send me a copy of the receipt and I’ll send you an updated copy.  It’s been a strange project...

Tactical Submission Release Day!

I once attended a lecture on how to write a novel in a month. It was given by an author who had nearly a hundred books to her name and absolutely knew what she was talking about. The talk was geared for Category authors who wanted to or already wrote for the big...

Warning: Contains Kink, Violence, and Bacon

A few years back there was a bit of a kerfuffle online over if books should have content warnings. The actual reasonable debate lasted about 30 seconds before it devolved into screams of Snowflakes, SJW oppression, and ‘but if people know what kind of crap is in my...

His Quiet Agent: When the characters write themselves

His Quiet Agent (formally The Agency) was an accident of a book. Not to say I accidentally wrote a book, but rather that the book I thought I was writing became something completely different. Currently it’s my best reviewed book (with one exception of one dude from...

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