The Dyslexic Novelist

I am dyslexic.  I’ve blogged about it before and it is stated in my bio.  I’m also a writer.  To most people these two things don’t go together.  How can someone be a writer if they can’t read or spell or do anyone of dozens of things people who know nothing about dyslexia assume?  In […]


I have a favourite fanfic series, actually I have several, but there is one in particular that warms my heart and I end up reading at least once a year in spite of its massive word count. I’m not going to name it here because it is, frankly, kinda bad. And yet not. The stories […]

Release Day: And Everything Nice part of the Simmer anthology

Today is the day for And Everything Nice which is part of the Simmer anthology from Dreamspinner Press. Part Romance anthology part recipe book. Thirteen stories, with mine bringing up the rear, every story comes with its own recipe. And Everything Nice comes with an updated and improved version of my best raspberry brownie recipe. […]

2016 and Beyond (plus love for Empty Nests)

2015 has been a big year for me on a career level. I got my first two novels properly published and in the process ridded myself of the Unfinished Project of the Damned that has been sitting on my hard drive since 2010. Many people said some very nice things about it (some people didn’t […]

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